The Social Security Administration recently launched a new process to expedite disability claims by veterans with a rating of 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) from the VA. While both Social Security and VA pay disability benefits, it is important to understand that both programs have different criteria for determining whether or not you are disabled. A VA rating of 100% Permanent and Total does not automatically mean you will receive Social Security disability, as you still must meet Social Security’s definition of disability, that is: you have a mental or physical impairment(s) or combination thereof that prevents you from performing your past relevant work and work existing in the national economy for at least one year or results in death.
If you are a veteran rated 100% Permanent and Total (P&T), the first step to receive expedited processing is actually filing an application for Social Security disability. To ensure your claim is expedited under this new program, when applying you must identify yourself as a “veteran rated 100% P&T.” If you file your application in person or over the phone, tell the SSA representative you speak with that you are veteran rated 100% P&T. If you file your application online, enter “veteran rated 100% P&T” in the remarks section so that your claim can be indentified for expediting. The next step in the expediting process is providing your VA Notification letter that confirms your 100% Permanent and Total rating to Social Security.
We are very pleased that Social Security has developed a new program to expedite Social Security disability claims for Veterans that have a VA rating of 100% Permanent and Total. We know that there are many veterans in the Auburn area and wanted to highlight this new program. If you are a disabled veteran and have questions regarding receiving Social Security disability benefits, please let us know and we would be happy to address your questions.
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